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Activity 2: Small Gas Engines Although the first internal combustion engine was invented in (by a Dutchmen), it was the s before they became inexpensive enough to become widespread. An internal combustion engine uses the energy from an explosion (of gasoline and air) in the cylinder to turn a shaft (that power a mower blade, or, wheels). is a top rated website for owners manuals, workshop manuals, repair manuals, automotive literature, OBDII codes and much more! There are over , automotive manuals you can view for FREE! If you need to download a manual there is also an option for this. If you have a manual that you would like to share with other automotive enthusiast feel free to submit this to us by clicking the About Us drop down in the navigation menu then click on Download. Small Engine Repair: Free Help at M and D Mower and Appliance This resource provides students with diagrams and text to help troubleshoot various engine problems. With each scenario, students are provided with possible solutions. Students may learn what to do when their engine doesn't start, runs poorly, leaks, backfires and burns oil.
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